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Consignments are group of assets/packages where kelvin devices are kept for monitoring. Different companies have different naming conventions. This is similar to shipments, packages where you have a reference id for goods going from one place to another.

Adding a consignment#

In the Control Panel section go to consignments tab. There are four steps on screen to create a consignment.


Step 1 - Basic details#

  1. Consignment ID: Name of the consignment

  2. Ping Interval: This is the transmit interval of the devices that are going to be added in the consignment. Allowed intervals are 15 mins, 30 mins, and 60 mins.

  3. Temperature Interval: This is the temperature profile of the consignment. Available options are 2-5 °C, 15-25 °C, 25-35 °C, Not Temperature specific, Custom

  4. Clients: This option is for your clients to view the consignment or receive notifications. Learn more about creating clients here

  5. Start Time: This is the time when you want the consignment to start. By default, the start time is 30 mins from the current time.

  6. Temperature Violation Alert: You can select Immediate Alert or No Immediate Alert in order to get immediate temperature alert or to get temperature alert after every ping interval / 2 minutes.

  7. Transport Means: Select the transport means of the consignment. Available options are Air, Road.

Add Consignment

Step 2 - Assign devices#

A list of unpaired devices with their details is available for selection. Select the devices that are to be paired to this consignment

To add the device to the portal , Go to Control Panel --> Devices. Click on Add Device button , fill the details and click on Save button.To know more about devices click here

Add Device

Step 3 - Assign trip#

Associate a trip to the consignment.

Explain trips

Trip is nothing but the path or route , your consignment is going to travel. To create trip , Go to Control Panel --> trips . Click on Add trip button , fill the details and click on Save button . To know more about trip click here

Add Trip

Step 4 - Review#

Here you will see a summary of all details entered for creating the consignment. Click on submit to create the consignment, or edit details if required, before clicking submit. The consignment is then available in the consignment list and visible on the dashboard for monitoring.

Add Consignment Summary

Consignment on dashboard#

Next we'll see how to see a overview of consignments running and checking statuses.

Consignments Ongoing


Ending a Consignment#

To end a trip for a consignment, the end button is provided in the consignments tab just next to the delete button. You can end an ongoing consignment and once the trip has completed and consignment has reached the destination, click on this button. A warning message will be displayed. Click on end consignment in the pop up and the consignment record will be removed from the ongoing list. The data for the consignment can then be accessed from the Reports section. End Consignment