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What happens if you do not create a role and directly create a user group?#

You will not be able to create a user group without giving it a role.

How do I create a role?#

  1. Go to the roles tab of the admin section which is present inside control panel.

  2. Once you are in roles tab, create a role with any name and give permissions accordingly, for that particular role.

  3. Points that one should take care of.

  • Adding client based or region-based permissions. What do they mean? While creating roles, you would see two checkboxes beside role name which say client and region what do they exactly mean?

  • By Checking client, you are basically saying that the role that you are about to create would have client restriction. What does client restriction mean?

  • Client restriction means that the role would be restricted to a particular client. Suppose you have a client X, who is your user/customer and you want that client of yours to be able to view only a set of consignments or devices. Then you would tick this checkbox.

  • Now there is another checkbox beside client, which says region, what does that mean? If you tick the region checkbox what would happen?

  • If you check the region checkbox, then the role that you are about to create is region restricted. What does region restriction mean?

  • Region restriction means that the user would be restricted to a particular region, whichever was selected while created the user group the user is present in.

  • What if client and region both are left unchecked? No filters would be applied and the role would be created as a normal role with everyone with that role would be able to see all consignments/devices.

  • What if both client and region are checked? The filters would be applied to a client within the region selected.

  1. Now once done, the role would be created. Once role is created now you can add user groups with apt roles so that all the users present in that user groups would be given that permission.

By default, any resource which is given permission of create, update or delete would automatically be given read permission. Also, while giving consignments create, update, delete permission automatically devices read permission would be given as well. Same for user groups, when user groups create, update, delete permission is given automatically roles read permission as well as clients read permission would be given to users who have user groups create, read and delete.

I am done with creating a role. How do I proceed?#

Now all you have to do is go to the user groups tab of the admin section which is present right above the roles tab and then create a new user group.

Once that user group is created then you can give that user groups the required role and add users to that user group.

Now the important point to note down is that if you have ticked client, while creating the role, there would be a client option that would popup with all the clients present in your account. You would need to add the client whom you created this role for, basically to the client whom these permissions would apply to.

If you have ticked, region while creating a role, then there would be a region field popping up once you add the role and then you can add the region where the user can be restricted to.

If you did not check any of the client or region then just the role selection would popup and your user groups is created with that particular role having the permissions you selected. If you think the permissions that you have given to that role are wrong, then you can edit the permissions as well and the selected permissions would be applied to that user group.

If you did check both client and region, then both the selection fields would popup and you would need to select both clients and regions as well. All the clients present in your account would come up in the client's selection field.

Who are clients? And how do I add them?#

Clients are your customers or users who ever is using our devices through you. You can also be client.

You can create clients by going down to client's tab in control panel section.

Note: While creating a client, a client id is required which is a non-editable field, as once the client id is edited all the consignments related to that client would be removed.

Once a client is created, a user group with role of default client is created. Default client has limited permissions, but still can have users inside it, as it is a group in the end. All the users in the default client group would have default client role by default.

The default client role is non-editable and non-deletable. It will be deleted once the client is deleted.

Also, anytime a group is deleted all the users from that group would be removed, but still the user would exist and if the user tries to login to his account, it would still show the portal but would say no role assigned.

How to add users to group, what role would be given to the users?#

All the users who are present in their respective group would be given permissions according to the role present to that user group.

For Example,

If a role is created with consignments read, devices read, user groups read, roles read, clients read, consignments update, consignments delete, audit logs read permission. This role is given name as Admin role.

Now this role is given to user groups saying Admin Group, all the permissions of the admin role would be given to that user group.

To add users to this Admin group click on manage users button present on the top-right of the user groups table.

Once clicked a dialog-box opens up saying Add User. Click on Add User to expand and then enter the email Id and access type of user to add. Once you click on the + button. The user is created and added to that user group with Admin role permissions.

Now let’s think you want to have client restricted role so that you can restrict consignments to particular client whose users are using the portal. All you need to do is

Create a role with client as ticked while creating role.

Now give appropriate permissions.

Go to user groups, click on add user groups, now give a name to the user group and then add the client restricted role to the user group.

Once you add the client restricted role, the client option selector shows up asking you to choose a client from the list of clients you created from client's tab of the control panel.

Once done you can click on save and the client restricted user group is created.

Now you can again click on add users, add the user email id and access type to add user to the client restricted group.

What does user access type in group mean?#

User Access type is of two types. Admin and User.

Admin is the one who can create and add user and also manage notification settings of the users.

The user is the one who can only see the other users present in his group but cannot add users or check the notification settings of other users.

Once the user is successfully added, the group admin or the anyone who has permissions to update the group can enable notification settings for users present in a group.

How to allow users to get notification through SMS or Emails?#

There would be notification settings checkboxes saying SMS, Email present beside user once user is successfully added to the group. The group admin or anyone who has group update permissions can turn them on/off for particular user which implies that user would start getting notifications for consignments/devices he is associated with.


In the case of notification settings is that even after the group admin or anyone with group update permission turns the notification settings on for a user, he won't get notifications until he/she turns it on in my account section of his/her user profile.