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User Management In Action

Setting up user management might be tricky. We'll walk through an example where users at different levels and oranisations are trying to access data from portal and manage things.

Consider an organisation where consignments of different clients move to different states. To start with, we have an account with superuser access.

For the above scenario, we will be setting the following user groups:

  • Admin group - To access almost all permissions
  • State level operation groups
    • Internal teams managing consignments
  • Client groups
    • To have access of consignmets belonging to specific clients
  • IT Management
    • To add roles or manage users
  • Audit group
    • To check access logs for application

For each of these groups, we see what type of roles can be created and added to groups while creating them:

For this groups of users, we can create an Admin role with the following permissions:
Permission\Type CreateReadUpdateDelete

We now go to User Groups to create a group using this role. Any user in this group will have the above permissions.