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QR on Device

All devices come with a QR code on them. The information on the QR is an URL in the format:<deviceId> or<deviceId> .

This has multiple uses:

Getting the device info#

Opening portal and then searching for data of the device in hand is tedious. Instead, this url helps in getting the latest data of the device. So, scan and open the url in browser. You should be able to see the device details.

However, to maintain data privacy, this functionality needs be enabled in Account Settings -> Configurations tab. Enable Public access for this feature. Once this is enabled, we can see the report of the running consignment just by scanning it.

While creating consignments#

Instead of manually entering device details or using twin stickers for linking devices to consignments, QR can be used to automate. Get the device id while putting the devices in the consignment through QR scanners and use it while sending create consignment API request.